Mr & Mrs Stanley

Happy September my lovey readers! I thought about what my next post should be, and why not a post about Jacob and I. Give everyone a look at how we met and fell in love.

It all started back in high school when our moms were going through the radiology school at Athens Tech. Now we briefly met here and there; but never really talked to each other. He had a girlfriend and I was a shy girl at the time.

Now fast forward to 2016. I had just finished my year at Young Harris and decided it was best for me to come back home and go to school closer to home. Jacob’s mom, Amanda and my mom were working together at this time. They got to talking one day; my mom told Amanda that I had decided to go to Athens Tech. She talked to Jacob ( don’t know when this happened) about how he should befriend me, help me find my way around, and maybe study together. He took her up on that and did it.

In the beginning of July 2016, I had gone to the mall with my best friend Mason and her mom and sister. We were sitting in the movie theater watching some Kevin Hart movie ( I don’t remember the name). I felt my phone go off and decided to check it; you know making sure it wasn’t mom needing something. Jacob had messaged me and wanted to be friends, help me around the school, and etc. I had for a long time liked Jacob so I said yes.

After a couple of days of talking and getting to know each other a little, we decided to go on a date. Our first date was very simple but yet fun at the same time. After I got off work I went over to Sprint, which was where he worked at the time. We drove over to Clocked in Athens together. We ate dinner and talked for what seemed forever because talking to each other came so easy to us. After dinner we went for a walk around the UGA campus downtown Athens. After that date we left feeling as if we had known each other for so long.

A couple days later we went hiking at Mount Yonah. Though we thought it was going to be a great sunny day, turned into a rainy storm when we got to the top. We found a rock to sit under and talked while listening to music. after going through some throwback pictures and telling stories; he leaned in and kissed me. OMG, at the fireworks I felt sitting under that rock. I left to go home that night knowing that I was one day going to marry this man.

Months went by and we went on more and more dates, made many memories. We hit our year mark and I was overjoyed. I never had a relationship last this long and sometimes I would have to ask myself, Is this even true? He always made me feel loved and like a princess in his eyes. He made sure I was taken care of and knew that he loved me. We started going to EDM concerts and having fun. We went to our first festival called Imagine at Atlanta Motor Speedway, and OMG how much fun that was!

In March of 2018 we went down to Okeechobee, Florida to go our first field camping festival. After we had seen Bassnectar for New Years, we made the decision to go see him again in Florida. We had the best time dancing with our friends that came, and being around so many nice and friendly people.

Who knew that after this festival, months down the road that we would be getting news that would change a lot. Months went by and we kept going to concerts, having fun, and hiking a lot. It wasn’t until We went kayaking last summer, that everything started to become different.

I started to notice something wrong with me and decided that I needed to go get it looked at. I made an appointment with my doctor as soon as could. Now I just thought this was going to be a regular appointment and nothing was going to be wrong. Well I was WRONG!

On August 17, 2018 Jacob and I got the biggest news we had gotten yet. That day I found out I was pregnant with our little boy. At first this was not the greatest news to me since we weren’t expecting this. I came out of that room crying and needing Jacob. Jacob couldn’t get off that day so I hopped in my car and drove to his work. Now while I was sitting in the doctor’s room I was texting him and letting him know what was going on. When I got to his work, he got me out of the car and juts held me while I sobbed right there. His exact words to me were” Everything is going to be okay, we will figure this out.”

The next morning, my mom and his mom came with us to our first appointment. As we sat there looking at our bundle of joy and hearing that little bitty heart just pump; we cried. Now it wasn’t easy at the start, Jacob and I had multiple sleepless nights just talking about it all. Up until we went to the 3D doctor, we shared our concerns, tears, thoughts, and happiness about it all.

The day came when we were going to the doctor to have a 3D ultrasound and see every part of our baby. As the technician started showing us everything, I had an overwhelming sense of calmness just looking at our blessing. We hadn’t found out what we were having yet; so she scanned down and when she told us our baby was a boy my heart leaped.

As we waited our boys arrival, we prepared big time. Months of making sure we had everything, putting stuff together, and preparing. This grew new journey we were going through was growing Jacob and I closer as we needed to be there for each other.

November 8, 2018 came and our little boy had finally made his appearance into this world. The moment we saw him, our hearts stopped and our world was then changed. Jacob was now a father and I was mother. I looked at Jacob as he held our little boy; and just thought my world couldn’t get any better.

Since his birth Jacob had been planning something for me that I would soon know about. Christmas day came and I was about to get such amazing gift. I opened my last present and just when I thought we were done,n Jacob gives me another one to open. He was nervous about it so I knew something was up. I opened it up and immediately knew was up. As I got to the little red box; Jacob then began to get on one knee. He then asked me to marry him and of course I said YES!

On August 10, 2019 I got to marry my best friend, my person, and my love. The second most amazing day of my life! Seeing the way he looked at me when he turned around; I couldn’t help but smile. After months and months of planning a wedding with the best coordinator ( I will make a post later about the details of the wedding); everything turned out amazing. All the worry went away after seeing how everything turned out.

Now we have been married for a month and we can’t wait to see where the Lord leads us in this marriage and as parents.

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