My Morning Routine

Hello my beautiful readers! I don’t know about you but I love morning routines. I have read multiple other blog post of morning routines but I sure do love mine the best.

Me writing this is not get anyone to get in my routine. This is just something I figured that has worked best for me.

I do this almost every morning except on the weekends so that I can spend a little more time with my man.

Being a stay at home mom, my routine is what helps me get my day started and give me a little time to myself.

All that being said, lets get this started!

1.Wake Up

I know this is assumed but its one of the hardest things. You just wanna hit the snooze button and roll back over for 5 more minutes.

Now, Jacob wakes up about 5:30 one the weekdays for work, so this has really helped me get into my routine.

I have found an app called Sleep Cycle ( that tracks your sleep. You can set alarm which is what my finace’ does, which I hear every morning. He sets two alarms but normally will get up after the first one. \

2.Get Coffee/ Stretch out the Sleepiness

Once I’ve woken up and have got out of bed; I stand up and stretch out of the sleepiness out of me.

I know understand why mothers drink coffee every morning. It gives you that boost to actually wake yourself up and say Good Morning. I make my coffee and drink about half before I do anything else.

3.Do a 5- 10 minute workout

Doing a small workout in the morning has helped me get my body awake. Some days are harder than most because working out is not always fun.

I found a small 5 minute ab workout this morning that burned so bad. Alexa Clark posted a 5 minute challenge this morning and I decided to give it a try. GIRL, if you want your abs to burn after a workout you have got to try it. ( ).

4.Wash my face and brush my teeth

Now everyone know this is an important part of a morning routine. You should never forget about this step.

I love taking a my Clean and Clear Morning Burst cleanser ( ) and cleaning my face. It has this nice orange smell and has bursting beads that feel good on your face. This really helps waken up my face.

I always brush my teeth after I drink my coffee because i cant stand the coffee breath. I use the Crest 3D White Sensitive Toothpaste (

5.Get Dressed

Of course the last thing I do is get dressed for the day. This about all I get time to do before Parker wakes up for the day. Since I stay at home with little man I try to wear comfortable clothing. He is all over the place so I wear clothes that I can roll on the floor in, run errands and not look like I just rolled out of bed, and still look like I’ve got myself together.

Like I said at the beginning, i’m not doing this to change your routine but if you do not have one I would recommend having one. Getting in the routine for the morning helos make the rest of the day go smoothly.

Start with one or two things for a whole month every morning. Once that becomes a routine for you start to another month by month.

Chose things that you would like to do. Don’t do things that people tell you to do or what you feel you should be doing. This is all about you and what you want for you routine.

Have a great and blessed rest of the week!

Raeanne XOXO

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